Looking back at the year 2020
DIO’s Biggest News

TOP 5 Biggest News

There has been many events from DIO this year
I give you DIO’s top 5 biggest news of 2020

DIO Developed
the World First ‘Tooth Preparation Automated Robot’
‘DIO Online Seminar’
worldwide box office craze
In the Global Dental 3D printing market, the core was the cutting-edge new material!
Every Moment becomes History
DIO successfully rounded off the YESDEX 2020

TOP 1 DIO Developed the World First
‘Tooth Preparation Automated Robot’


Succeeded in the preclinical test of 'Auto Prep' incorporating 3D digital technology.

DIO, a company leading the Digital Dentistry (CEO Jinbaek Kim), recently opened a new horizon for digital treatment, and is drawing attention to itself. On the 17th, DIO successfully conducted a preclinical test of the world's first automated robotic system for tooth prep treatment incorporating 3D digital technology at Yonsei University Wonju Severance Christian Hospital (Professor Byungho Choi and Seungmi Jeong).

Unlike before, in this automated robotic system, based on the patient’s CT and oral scan data, doctors use a CAD system to design preps and prostheses on a computer in advance, and the automated robot is designed according to the design in the actual oral cavity. It is a system that shortens the treatment period and dramatically improves the patient's convenience by extracting the teeth and then placing the prosthesis that was pre-fabricated digitally.

In particular, the preclinical test of the automated preparation robot system can be said to be an important result showing the possibility of digitalization from A to Z in dental treatment. In this system, the core elements of the fourth industrial revolution, such as data of digital imaging devices, designing software with AI, 3D printing material that precisely manufactures prostheses, and precision robots and control systems, are convergence of the innovative development of digital dentistry.

TOP 2 ‘DIO Online Seminar’ worldwide box office craze

Viewers from all over the world fascinated with various subjects and different lecturers for digital dentistry

In the limited condition due to Corona, we came up with an online seminar called ‘DIO Online Seminar’ so the academic exchange and research can continue.

We’ve used various platforms such as Youtube, Xylink, and Zoom to meet with doctors from different countries and talk about many new subjects since April.

The DIO Online Seminar that was progressed once in the first half of the year and once in the second half of the year recorded over 10,000 accumulated viewers and proved its popularity.

Re-watch DIO Online Seminar
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TOP 3 In the Global Dental 3D printing market,
the core was the cutting-edge new material!

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Proved its technological skills with self-developed printing materials

After 2 years of development, DIO’s 3D printer, ‘DIO PROBO’ was launched. With it, 5 types of 3D printing materials were developed (C&B, CG, Cast, Model, Denture) and DIO received a spotlight for being a company leading the popularization.

And this year in July, a cutting-edge new 3D printing material ‘DIOnavi-SG02’ with enhanced transparency was developed, along with new material for final prosthesis ‘DIOnavi-C7B z’. which will bring enormous changes in the prostheses field also.

TOP 4 DIOnavi, Every Moment becomes History

First digital guide system to exceed 400,000 holes!

In 2014, DIO released a digital guide system ‘DIOnavi’ for the first time in Korea and caused a ‘DIOnavi’ syndrome. ‘DIOnavi’ has shown differentiation in stability, accuracy, and convenience, and showed an overwhelming presence out of many digital guide systems.

‘DIOnavi’ has received attention from the dental market and accomplished over 100,000 accumulated holes in 2017, only 3 years after its release, and knocked on the overseas market by building 6 global centers overseas. Its superiority was acknowledged in the overseas market also in 2018, a year later, and after continuing to have a rising curve, it successfully broke through the 200,000 accumulated number of holes.

And Finally, the accumulated number of holes that were placed exceeded 300,000 and setting a big record of 400,000 holes, accomplishing the result that stand out the most out of all the digital guide systems.

DIOnavi. Digital Guide System has been developed
(Clinical applications of the edentulous, maxillary sinus, immediate placement)
Over 100,000 implants have been placed with DIOnavi.
DIOnavi. Global Center established in 6 countries

TOP 5 DIO successfully rounded off the YESDEX 2020

An innovational new product such as ‘DIO PROBO Z’ made an appearance
Excited gasp let out from the audience with the Initial Launch of The Full Digital Workflow Lineup

On November 14~15, in the Yeongnam International Scientific Congress & Dental Exhibition (YESDEX) that was held at the Gyeongju Hwabaek International Convention Center(Gyeongju HICO), innovational new products were presented by DIO.

In this exhibition, a Full Digital Workflow line up that covered all of the innovational techniques of the Digital dental treatment was made public. The DIO Probo Z, which is to be released at the beginning of next year, has captured the eyes of the beholder.

DIO PROBO Z is a 3D printer that is optimized to produce digital prostheses. A Faster and more accurate final prosthesis will be able to be produced if it is printed with a cutting-edge new material made for the final prosthesis developed by DIO.

Others such as ‘DIO ortho navi.’, which is a transparent orthodontic device, ‘Clear Aligner’, ‘UV Activator2’, and Oral scanner ‘Trios 4’, all providing abundant attractions to the viewers and rounded off the exhibition successfully.

We thank you immensely this year

DIO promises to provide more developed
products and innovation worthy to everyone.