DIO News

DIO held the 33rd annual meeting of stockholders

Korea 23 Mar, 2021

Global innovation will be achieved with technology that attracts the world
DIO held the 33rd annual meeting of stockholders (hereinafter, General Meeting) at its headquarters in Centum, Busan on March 23.
At the general meeting, participated by Mr. Jincheol Kim, the chairman, and Mr. Jinbaek Kim, the CEO, and stockholders approved the agendas in the order of reports on △ auditing, △ sales, △ appointment of external auditor, △ status of operation of the internal accounting system management, △ approval of the financial statements, △appointment of directors, △appointment of auditor, △ approval of the upper limit of remunerations for the directors, and △ approval of the upper limit of remunerations for the auditors, and the approval of the stockholders thereof for the fiscal year of 2020.
During the General Meeting, Mr. Jinbaek Kim, the CEO conveyed thanks to the “Cooperation of all employees and shareholders in the face of a global crisis, the fourth quarter's highest operating profit and it achieved a record of a cumulative number of 400,000 in DIOnavi.” He said, “Based on ‘DIOnavi.'s technology, which is recognized by clinicians around the world, we have stepped closer to preoccupying the US premium market and strengthening our competitiveness in overseas markets.”
And he said "In line with the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we are continuing to develop AI-based software that combines technology from IT and the healthcare industry and invest and research in the bio industry." and "We will develop various new products such as 'DIO PROBO Z' and 'ECO Project', which is optimized for prosthetics, and will be at the center of all areas of dentistry in the future."
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