DIO took over WhiteCap Institute,
an educational Institution in USA
that specializes in implant surgery
DIO, leading company in digital dentistry, targeting the ‘USA market’
DIO completed the procedures necessary in taking over the ‘WHITECAP INSTITUTE’, an educational institution specializing in implant surgery in the USA.
DIO is spurring on with expansion of its business in the premium market in the USA through this M&A, following the successful execution of a long-term supply contract with large scale hospitals in the USA this year on the foundation of the only ‘Full Digital Solutions’ in the world.
WHITECAP INSTITUTE’ is an implant training institution located in Utah, USA.
Founded in 2005, we have operated implant surgery training programs for more than 2,500 American dentists.
In-house hospitals are actively conducting academic activities and research, including various clinical research and clinical consultation.
In addition, the dental laboratories supply digital-based complex prosthesis to more than 200 dentists in the United States, and the dental solutions division supplies implants to more than 500 customers on an e-commerce basis.
Digital Workflow is a weapon that can satisfy
all aspects of your work from the beginning to the end.
P.K Clark (DMD, Founder of WhiteCap Institute)
Securing of vantage point in the USA market in earnest
Cultivation of DIOnavi. specialists in the USA
Utilization of the base for cultivation of ‘DIOnavi.’ specialists and securing vantage point in the USA market
DIO is planning to jointly develop an educational curriculum with ‘WHITECAP INSTITUTE’ and expand systematic training and clinical support for application of the digital implant ‘DIOnavi.’ for dentists and dental hygienists in the USA.
In addition, digital prosthetics solutions of DIO being assessed as the most advanced system will also be supplied to the USA market.
It is planned to use ‘WHITECAP INSTITUTE’ as the cradle of cultivation of ‘DIOnavi.’ specialists as well as the base for securing a vantage point in the USA market in earnest in the future.
  • 01
    Joint development of curriculum
    Joint development of educational curriculum by DIO and 'WHITECAP INSTITUTE’
  • 02
    DIOnavi. education
    Expand systematic training and clinical support for application of the digital implant ‘DIOnavi.’ for dentists and dental hygienists in the USA
  • 03
    DIO digital prosthesis
    Supply digital prosthetics solutions of DIO being assessed as the most advanced system in the USA market