Excite patients
Advance Case Acceptance
The New 3Shape TRIOS MOVE Superior scanning technology,
always where you need it
All TRIOS 3 intraoral scanners, including the new 3Shape TRIOS 3 Wireless model work seamlessly with TRIOS MOVE.
The amazing TRIOS 3 scanners improve patient experience through remarkable scanning speed, and documented accuracy. Thanks to TRIOS MOVE, the digital impressions in realistic colors can easily be shown to your patients to engage and excite them about their treatment options.
Revolutionary Patient Excitement
  • Standing
  • Scanning
  • Excite
  • Show
  • Facilitate dialogue
  • Increase acceptance
The New 3Shape TRIOS MOVE The best solution for patient
The best satisfaction for patient
We spoke to hundreds of dentists and discovered that they needed an easy way to get the screen positioned in the right place to share intraoral scans and images with patients.
This is important, as seeing is believing and patients trust a dentist they believe in.

With this insight, TRIOS MOVE was born, allowing you to easily share your digital scans, images, and treatment plan with patients.
This helps patients picture their final results and ultimately, advance case acceptance.
Niklas KreutzmannDentist
Drive acceptance and excitement with amazing
  • Provide better preventative care with 3Shape TRIOS Patient Monitoring Compare a patient's scans between different visits to monitor developments in their dental status.
    Find out more here.
  • Show patients their future smile with 3Shape TRIOS Smile Design Simply take a photo of your patient's face, easily design their new beautiful smile in minutes and share it with your patient.
    Find out more here.
  • Grow orthodontic treatments with 3Shape TRIOS Treatment Simulator* Scan your patient and show their present dentition compared to the simulated results of orthodontic treatment to gain case approval.
    Find out more here.
  • Apps designed
    to excite
    Drive treatment acceptance with
    TRIOS Patient Monitoring*,
    TRIOS Smile Design and
    TRIOS Treatment Simulator*.
  • Adjustable arm
    Bring the screen directly in front
    of the patient to involve them
    in the scanning process
    and the treatment planning
  • Powerful custom
    PC designed for
    Specifically designed for use with
    all TRIOS 3 scanners to give a fast
    and smooth scan experience
    straight out of the box
  • 13.3" HD LCD
    The perfect size when having it
    in front of a patient or working
    with up close.
  • Four wheels with
    integrated brakes
    It is now very easy to move
    around the chair and from chair
    to chair.