DIO News

DIO Corp., brightening the future through cultivation of globally competent personnel in digital dentistry

Korea 20 Jan, 2020

‘DIO Digital Academy’, operates specialized educational curricula and programs
DIO Corp. (CEO:Jin-Baek Kim), a leading company in digital dentistry, will be operating a customized type ‘DIO Digital Academy (hereinafter, DDA)’ in full scale once again this year to cultivate global specialists in digital dentistry.

DIO held a total of 251 sessions of ‘Global DDA’ which includes 89 at home and 162 overseas countries last year alone. In addition, DIO held ‘NYU DDA’ for which a joint curriculum was developed and opened with the Dental College of New York University (hereinafter, NYU), the foremost authority in digital dentistry in the world, 21 times, thereby sharing the excellence of full-digital implant, ‘DIOnavi.’, with approximately 3,500 dentists throughout the world. Moreover, DIO will be operating specialized educational curriculum and programs that reflect the needs of each country by composing authoritative and noted lecturers in each of the areas this year.

In fact, DIO will be holding 2 DDAs in Korea (2 times in integrated execution in Seoul/capital region) and 16 DDAs in 4 overseas countries (6 in the USA, 1 in Japan, 8 in China and 1 in Mexico) in January alone, and plans to continue throughout the year.

Mr. Min-hoon Jang, manager in the PR team, stated that, “‘DIO Digital Academy’ is characterized by differentiated curriculum that can be applied directly onto actual clinical setting through provision of integrated hands-on educational program with focus on practical aspects for cultivation of experts in digital implant ‘DIOnavi.’” and that, “DIO shall focus all our capabilities to continuously cultivate outstanding and competent personnel in the future through ‘DIO Digital Academy’ in order to become a successful model that makes contributions towards the advancement of dental industry.”

Meanwhile, DIO is planning to hold a total of 330 sessions of DDA in more than 10 countries in 2020 which includes 90 sessions in Korea, 220 sessions overseas and 20 sessions of ‘NYU DDA’. It is anticipated that more than 3,000 dentists will participate in these DDA sessions.
Details of the DDA schedules can be obtained and application for participation in DDA can be submitted through the official website of DIOnavi. (www.dionavi.co.kr).
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